Welcome to Hippocrates Medical Enterprises (HME), a division of Hippocrates Medical group of companies.

HME was founded in May 2000 to create a high standard in quality and availability of products required for the healthcare services in Sudan, with special interest in laboratories, and to cater for customers with the utmost attention.

HME is owned and managed by professionals in the medical field who adopt the principles of ethics in business for the benefit of customers in principal as well as the enterprise.

We represent some of the most highly reputed multi-national companies in the world through sole agency/distributorship agreements for distributing, marketing and selling laboratory requirements. As a leading specialist in the field of medical investigation we offer a comprehensive product and service range to the highest quality and standards.

We provide laboratory requirements including hematology, coagulation, chemical pathology, serology, one step, blood banking, and ELISA reagents,  liquid handling products as well as medical instruments, chemicals, agars, sensitivity discs, disposables, dental and surgical instruments.

Our services also include consultation and education.



Executed projects

  • Setting
    up laboratory of Hippocrates Medical Complex where we are sole suppliers.
  • Donation
    of building of Laboratory at Jabir Abuliz Charity Hospital for Diabetics,
    Khartoum 2 as a gift to the centre and as our social obligation. This
    included benching, air conditioning, aluminium windows, cupboards, etc.
  • Provision
    of free reagents to universities for the purpose of medical field trips
    providing free help to remote areas, also our social obligation e.g. The
    Academy of Science & Technology, Khartoum University, Sudan
  • Help
    and donation to the Military Teaching Hospital Omdurman.
  • Major
    involvement in setting up of laboratory for The Salam Centre for
    Cardiac Surgery, Soba Hilla where we are major suppliers.
  • Help
    in setting up laboratory of Kasala Hospital where we are major suppliers.
  • Provision
    of instruments and reagents to Alingazat Centres, Khartoum
  • Provision
    of instruments and reagents to Algaziera University
  • Provision
    of instruments and reagents to Radiation and Isotope Unit Medani
  • Provision
    of instruments and reagents The Children’s Hospital Medani
  • Provision
    of instruments and reagents to Soba Teaching Hospital
  • Provision
    and follow up of instruments for a number of public and private hospitals
    and laboratories.

Helping researchers by providing research material on

  • Help
    in setting up laboratories in a number of both public and private sectors.